Chair for Mineralogy, Petrology & Geochemistry

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History of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry at LMU

  • 1805 Mineralogy is established at the LMU (at that time still located in Landshut) by the university lecturer J. Nepomuk Fuchs

  • 1826 LMU is moved to Munich
    J. Nepomuk Fuchs becomes first Professor for Mineralogy of the LMU
  • 1834 Franz von Kobell becomes his successor until 1882
    Mainly work on mineral and rock analysis
    He also became famous for the theatre act „Brandner Kaspar“
  • 1883 Paul von Groth becomes Professor for Mineralogy and Crystallography
    Collaboration with Max von Laue (1912) on chemical and physical crystallography
  • 1900 in the course of scientific differentiation at the LMU, a Professorship for
    Petrography is installed, with Prof. E. Weinschenk as director
    Main research interest: metamorphosis and magmatism
  • 1921 M. Weber (1921-1937) and M. Storz (1939-1945) are successors on this professorship
  • 1948 Prof. G. Fischer becomes head of the Professorship for Petrography
    Main topics: variscan cristallin, installation of chemical rock analysis, Rb-Sr isotope geochemistry
    Download: CV Georg Fischer and Geologische Rundschau Bd. 74, 1985, Heft 3: Georg Fischer
  • 1968 Professorship of Petrography is changed to Department for Petrography, with its firstdirector Prof. H.G. Huckenholz (director until 1998).
    Further development of the infrastructure and microanalytics (EMP), K-Ar-isotopeanalyses, experimental phase petrology
  • 2000 Prof. Donald B. Dingwell becomes director of the Insitute for Mineralogy and Petrology
    Introduction of the new field of experimental volcanology, continuation of generalpetrology, and extension of applied mineralogy
  • 2002 Unification of the previous chairs for Geology, Paleontology, Geophysics, Crystallography and Geography to the newly formed Department for Earth and Environmental
    Sciences at the LMU, which is member of the Geo-Center of the two Munich Universities LMU and TUM (Ludwig Maximilians University and Technical University Munich).