Chair for Mineralogy, Petrology & Geochemistry

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Information about the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)


Cancellation of all teaching that requires presence of students.

On 10 Mar 2020 the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art ordered the immediate cancellation of teaching that requires presence of students at Bavarian universities due to the spreading of the coranvirus SARS-CoV-2.

On this website the faculty of Geosciences informs on this website about the current developments regarding the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Please inform yourself regularly on the homepage of the LMU about the current developments.
According to a decision by the Bavarian State Ministry, teaching that requires presence of students is cancelled immediately until further notice. This refers to running courses, tutorials, block courses and seminars, practicals and excursions. Due to the dynamic change of the situation no statement can be given at this point regarding the courses of the lecture period in summer semester 2020.
It is the decision of the involved persons whether oral examinations (e.g. final Bachelor-examinations, disputations) can take place under strict precautions. This includes consent of all involved persons and that the usual rules of hygiene and rules of behaviour are followed. Diputations should take place in rooms that allow a generous distance between the involved persons. Involved persons who returned from travels from risk areas or that who in contact with persons that returned from a risk area are not allowed to attend examinations.
Further information on issues regarding examinations can be found on the websites of the examination office “Naturwissenschaften Innenstadt”. The examination office requests to use their contact hours only in very urgent matters, otherwise please contact them by email.

More detailed information can be found at the homepage of the LMU.

Note: this is a translated version for your convenience of the information provided by the faculty.