Chair for Mineralogy, Petrology & Geochemistry

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Research Projects

Research Reports

2008/… - Snake River Scientific Drilling Project: ICDP – National Science Foundation

2008/2009 – Ertel-Ingrish, W.; ;Martins-Correia, J. A.; Gigler, M. ; Stark, R. W. ; De Campos, C. P. and Bauer, M. DAAD/PPP project: Synthesis and characterization of LDH systems doped with single wall carbon nanotubes. Approved proposal.

2008/2009 - De Campos, C. P. und Dingwell, D.B. INGV project: Towards Time-scales of magma-mixing enhanced Unrest in the Campi Flegrei System. A proposal approved and  included in the Progetto V1 – UNREST: Realizzazione di un metodo integrato per la definizione delle fasi di unrest ai Campi Flegrei Coordinatori: Lucia Civetta (UniNA), Edoardo Del Pezzo (INGV-OV).

2004/2007 – De Campos, C. P. und Dingwell, D.B. – INGV projects: INGV-DPC Project V3_2– Campi Flegrei; Research Unit RU 05 Magma Mixing in the Campi Flegrei System.

2001/2004 - Wiedemann, C.M. – Mixing Contrasting Ignimbrites (Campanian Ignimbrite - CI). Abschlussbericht, Institut für Petrologie, Mineralogie und Geochemie der Universität München: 8 Seiten.
Wiedemann, C.M. – Abschlussbericht für das CNPq-Projekt (Jahre 2000-2002): 6 Seiten. Granitology – From Field Geology to Experimental Petrology.
Forschungsvorhaben für 2002/2004. Abschlussbericht. CNPq/LMU/UFRJ: 28 Seiten.

1999/2000 - Project CNPq nº 522617/95 6: ” Neoproterozoic Magmatism – a comparative study of igneous Complexes on both sides of the São Francisco Craton, Araçuaí-Ribeira and Brasília Foldbelts, Brazil (Phase II)”; Bachelor and PhD students involved.

1997/99 – Project CNPq nº 522617/95 6: “ Braziliano Magmatism along the Eastern border of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil”. Scholarships for Bachelor students and technical support.

Before 1996 - six projects for detailed mapping of granites in the lower crust. Geochemical and petrologic approach. Three additional projects for new research equipments (X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffractometry, DTA-TGA, research microscopes) and laboratory infra-structure.