Publications and Datasets
* Publications that have received mention or honour
1. *Lavallée Y., Stix J., Kennedy B., Richer M., Longpré M.-A., 2004. Caldera Subsidence in Areas of Variable Topographic Relief: Results from Analogue Modeling. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 129, 219-236.
2. Kennedy B., Stix J., Vallance J.W., Lavallée Y., 2004. Controls on caldera structure: Results from analogue sandbox modeling. Geological Society of America Bulletin 116, 515-524.
3. Lavallée Y., de Silva S.L., Salas G., Byrnes J.M., 2005. Explosive volcanism (VEI 6) without caldera formation: insight from Huaynaputina, southern Peru. Bulleting of Volcanology 68, p. 333- 348.
4. Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., Cordonnier B., Dingwell B.D., 2007. A non-Newtonian rheological law for highly-crystalline dome lavas. Geology 35, 843-846.
5. Hess K.-U., Cordonnier B., Lavallée Y., Dingwell B.D., 2007. High-load, high-temperature deformation apparatus for synthetic and natural silicate melts. Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 47-50.
6. von Aulock, F. W., Lavallée, Y.; Richard, D., Hess, K.-U., Dingwell D.B., 2007. The rheological behavior of samples from Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, A1073-A1073.
7. Lavallée Y., Meredith P.G., Dingwell B.D., Hess K.-U., Wassermann J., Cordonnier B., Gerik, A., Kruhl J.H., 2008. Seismogenic lavas and explosive eruption forecasting. Nature 453, 507-510.
8. Hess K.-U., Cordonnier B., Lavallée Y., Dingwell B.D., 2008. Viscous heating in rhyolite: an in situ experimental determination. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 275, 121-126.
9. Cordonnier B., Hess K.-U., Lavallée Y., Dingwell B.D., 2009. Rheological properties of dome lavas: case Study of Unzen volcano. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 279, 263-272.
10. Gottsmann J., Lavallée Y., Marti J., Aguirre-Diaz G., 2009. Magma-tectonic interaction and the eruption of silicic batholiths. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284, 426-434.
11. Lavallée Y., de Silva S.L., Salas G., Byrnes J.M., 2009. Structural control of a rotated graben on volcanism at Ubinas, Huaynaputina and Ticsani, southern Peru. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 186, 253-264.
12. Dingwell D.B., Lavallée Y., Kueppers U., 2012. Volcanic ash: A primary agent in the Earth systems. Eds. Kueppers U., Lavallée Y., Taddeucci in Volcanic ash: An agent in the Earth systems. J., Chemistry and Physics of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 45-46, 2-4.
13. Kueppers U., Lavallée Y., Taddeucci J., 2012. Preface to the special volume on volcanic ash. J., Chemistry and Physics of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 45-46, 1-1. DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2012.03.
14. Lavallée Y., Benson P.M., Heap M., Flaws A., Hess K.-U., Dingwell D.B., 2012. Volcanic Conduit Failure as a Trigger to Explosive Eruptions. Bulleting of Volcanology 74, 11-13.
15. Lavallée Y., Varley N., Alatorre-Ibargüengoitia M. A., Hess K.-U., Kueppers U., Mueller S., Richard D., Scheu B., Spieler O., Dingwell D. B., 2012. Magmatic Architecture of Dome-Building Eruptions at Volcán de Colima, Mexico. Bulleting of Volcanology 74, 249-260.
16. Lavallée Y., Mitchell T.M., Heap M., Hirose T., Hess K.-U., Dingwell D.B., 2012. Experimental generation of volcanic pseudotachylytes: constraining rheology. In “Physico-chemical processes in seismic faults” of Journal of Structural Geology, 38, 222-233.
17. Kendrick J.E, Lavallée Y., Perugini D., Ferk A., Leonhardt R., Dingwell D.B., 2012. Extreme frictional processes in the volcanic conduit of Mount St. Helens (USA) during the 2004-2008 eruption. In “Physico-chemical processes in seismic faults” of Journal of Structural Geology, 38, 61-76.
18. Heap M.J., Lavallée Y., Laumann A., Hess K.-U., Meredith P.G., Dingwell D.B., 2012 How tough is tuff in the event of fire. Geology 40, 311-314.
19. Russell J.K., Porritt L.A., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., 2012 Kimberlite ascent by assimilation-fuelled buoyancy. Nature 481, 352-356.
20. Kolzenburg S., Heap M.J., Lavallée Y., Russell J.K., Meredith P.G., Dingwell, D.B., 2012. The strength and permeability of tuffisite-bearing andesite in volcanic conduits. Solid Earth 4, 459-473.
21. Benson P.M., Heap M., Lavallée Y., Flaws A., Hess K.-U., Dingwell D.B., 2012. Laboratory simulations of tensile fracture development in a volcanic conduit via cyclic magma pressurisation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 349-350, 231-239.
22. Kremers S., Hanson J.B., Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., Chevrel M.O., Dingwell D.B., 2012. Shallow magma-mingling-driven Strombolian eruptions at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu. Geophysical Research Letters 39, 1-6.
23. Heap M.J., Mollo S., Vinciguerra S., Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., Dingwell D.B., Baud P., Iezzi G., 2013. Thermal weakening of the carbonate basement under Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): implications for volcano instability. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 250, 42-60.
24. Lavallée Y., Benson P.M., Heap M., Hess K.-U., Flaws A., Dingwell D.B., 2013 Reconstructing magma failure and the degassing network of dome-building eruptions. Geology 41, 515-518.
25. Heap M.J., Lavallée Y., Meredith P.G., Dingwell D.B., Huismann S., Weise F., 2013. The influence of thermal-stressing on the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of siliceous-aggregate high-strength concrete. Construction and Building materials 42, 248-265.
26. Morgavi D. Pergugini D., de Campos C.P., Ertel-Ingrisch W., Lavallée Y., Morgan L., Dingwell D.B., 2013 Interactions between rhyolitic and basaltic melts unraveled by chaotic mixing experiments. Chemical Geology 346, 199-212.
27. Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., Heap M.J., Gaunt H.E., Meredith P., Dingwell D.B., 2013. Tracking the porous permeable network during strain-dependent magmatic flow. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 260, 117-126.
28. Chevrel M. O., Platz T., Hauber E., Baratoux D., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D. B., 2013. Lava flow rheology: a comparison of morphological and petrological methods. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 384, 109-120.
29. Vasseur J., Wadsworth F., Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., Dingwell D.B., 2013. Volcanic sintering: Timescales of viscous densification and strength recovery. Geophysical Research Letters 40, 5658-5664.
30. Douillet G.A., Tsang-Hin-Sun E., Kueppers U., Letort J., Pacheco D.A., Goldstein F., Hanson J.B., Lavallée Y., von Auloch F., Bustillos J., Robin C., Ramón P., Dingwell D.B., 2013. Sedimentology and geomorphology of the deposits from the August 2006 pyroclastic density currents at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Bulletin of Volcanology 75: 765-785.
31. Kendrick J. E., Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., de Angelis S., Ferk A., Gaunt H.E., Dingwell D.B., Leonhardt R., 2014. Seismogenic frictional melting in the magmatic column. Solid Earth 5, 19-208.
32. Lin G., Amelung F., Lavallée Y., 2014. Seismic evidence for a crustal magma reservoir beneath the upper east rift zone of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. Geology 42, 187-190.
33. Song W. Hess K.-U., Damby, D.E., Wadsworth F.B., Lavallée Y., Cimarelli C., Dingwell D.B., 2014. Fusion characteristics of volcanic ash relevant to aviation hazards. Geophysical Research Letters 41, 2326-2333.
34. Kendrick J. E., Lavallée Y., Hirose T., Di Toro G., Hornby A.J., De Angelis S., Dingwell D.B., 2014. Volcanic drumbeat seismicity caused by stick-slip motion and magmatic frictional melting. Nature Geosciences 7, 438-442.
35. Heap M.J., Lavallée Y., Petrakova L., Baud P., Dingwell D.B., 2014. Microstructural controls on the physical and mechanical properties of edifice-forming andesites at Volcán de Colima, Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research 119, 2925-2963.
36. Lavallée Y., Hirose T., Petrakova L., Kendrick J., de Angelis S., Hornby A., Dingwell, D.B., 2014. A frictional law for volcanic ash gouge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 400, 177-183.
37. Wadsworth F.B., Vasseur J., von Aulock F.W., Hess K.-U., Scheu B., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., 2014. Non-isothermal viscous sintering of volcanic ash. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth 119, 8792-8804.
38. Calder E., Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., Bernstein M., 2015. Lava dome eruptions. In: Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, 2nd edition. Houghton B., Rymer H., Stix J., McNutt S. Academic Press.
39. Lavallée Y., Wadsworth F.B., Vasseur J., Russell J.K., Andrews G.D.M., Hess K.-U., Aulock F., Kendrick J.E., Tuffen H., Biggin A.J., Dingwell D.B., 2015. Eruption and emplacement timescales of ignimbrite super-eruptions from thermo-kinetics of glass shards. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 3:2. doi: 10.3389/feart.2015.00002.
40. Ashwell P.A., Kendrick J. (co-first), Lavallée Y., Kennedy B.M., Hess K.-U., von Aulock F.W., Wadsworth F.B., Vasseur J., Dingwell D.B., 2015. Permeability of compacting porous lavas. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth 120, 1605-1622.
41. Chevrel M.O., Cimarelli C., deBiasi L., Hanson J.B., Lavallée Y., Arzilli F., Dingwell D.B., 2015. Viscosity measurements of crystallizing andesite from Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16, 870-889. Doi: 10.1002/2014GC005661.
42. Siratovich P.A., von Aulock, F.W. Lavallée Y., Cole J.W., Kennedy B.M., Villeneuve M.C., 2015. Thermoelastic properties of the Rotokawa Andesite: a geothermal reservoir constraint. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 301, 1-13.
43. Hornby A.J., Kendrick J.E., Lamb O., Hirose T., De Angelis S., Von Aulock F.W., Umakoshi K., Miwa T., Henton De Angelis S., Wadsworth F.B., Hess K.-U., Dingwell D.B., Lavallée Y., 2015. Spine growth and seismogenic faulting at Mt. Unzen, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research 120, 4034-4054.
44. Siratovich P.A., Cole J., Heap M.J., Villeneuve M., Reuschlé T., Swanson K., Kennedy B.M., Gravley D., Lavallée Y., 2015. Experimental Thermal Stimulation of the Rotokawa Andesite. Proc. World Geothermal Congress, 1-6.
45. Heap M.J., Kennedy B.M., Pernin N., Jacquemard L., Baud P., Farquharson J., Scheu B., Lavallée Y., Gilg H.A., Letham-Brake M., Mayer K., Jolly A.D., Reuschlé T., Dingwell D.B., 2015. Mechanical behaviour and failure modes in the Whakaari (White Island volcano) hydrothermal system, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 295, 26-42.
46. Lavallée Y., Hirose T., Kendrick J.E., Hess, K.-U., Dingwell, D.B., 2015. Fault rheology beyond frictional melting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 112, 9276-9280. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1413608112
47. Wiesmaier S., Morgavi D., Renggli C., Perugini D., De Campos C., Hess K.-U., Ertel-Ingrisch W., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., 2015. Magma mixing enhanced by bubble segregation. Solid Earth 6, 1007-1023.
48. *Heap M.J., Farquharson J.I., Baud P., Lavallée Y., Reuschlé T., 2015. Fracture and compaction of andesite in a volcanic edifice. Bulletin of Volcanology 77:55. doi:10.1007/s00445-015-0938-7
49. Schaefer L., Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., Oommen T., Chigna G., 2015. Geomechanical rock properties of edifice forming basalt. Frontiers in Earth Science 3.
50. Mayer K., Scheu B., Gilg H.A., Heap M.J., Kennedy B.M., Lavallée Y., Letham-Brake M., Dingwell D.B., 2015. Experimental constraints on phreatic eruption processes on Whakaari (White Island volcano). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 302, 150-162.
51. Wiesmaier S., Heap M.J., Branc S., Gilg H.A., Kueppers U., Hess K.-U., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., 2015. Variability in composition and physical properties of the sedimentary basement of Mt Etna, Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 302, 102-116.
52. Lamb O.D., De Angelis S., Umakoshi K., Hornby A.J., Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., 2015. Cyclic fracturing during spine extrusion at Unzen volcano, Japan. Solid Earth 7, 2109-2149.
53. Eichelberger J., Carrigan C., Markusson S., Lavallée Y., Clean magma energy for the North. Proc. Arctic Energy Summit 2015.
54. Wadsworth F.B., Kennedy B.M., Branney M.J., von Aulock F.W., Lavallée Y., Menendez A., 2015. Exhumed conduit records magma ascent and drain-back during a Strombolian eruption. Bulletin of Volcanology 77:71.
55. Vasseur J., Wadsworth F.B., Lavallée Y., Bell A.F., Main I.G., Dingwell D.B., 2015. Heterogeneity: The key to failure forecasting. Nature Scientific Reports 5, 13259.
56. Dingwell D.B., Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., Flaws A., Marti J., Nichols A.R.L., Gilg H.A., Schillinger B., 2015. Eruptive shearing in tube pumice: pure and simple. Solid Earth Discussion 7, 3053-3085.
57. Lamb O., De Angelis S., Lavallée Y., 2015. Using infrasound to constrain volcanic ash plume rise models. Journal of Applied Volcanology 4:20.
58. Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., Cimarelli C., Hornby A.J. Johnson J.B., Kendrick J.E., von Aulock F.W., Wadsworth F.W., Rhodes E., Kennedy B.M., Andrews B.J., Chigna G., 2015. Thermal vesiculation during volcanic eruptions. Nature 528, 544-547.
59. Kennedy B.M., Wadsworth F.B., Schipper C.I., Jellinek A.M., Vasseur J., von Aulock F.W., Hess K.-U., Russell J.K., Lavallée Y., Nichols A.R.L., Dingwell D.B., 2016. Surface tension driven processes densify and retain permeability in magma and lava. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 433, 116-124.
60. Song W., Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., Kueppers U., Cimarelli C., Dingwell D.B., 2016. Volcanic ash melting under conditions relevant to ash turbine interactions. Nature Communications 7:10795.
61. Vasseur J., Wadsworth F.B., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., 2016. Dynamic elastic moduli during isotropic densification of initially granular media. Geophysical Journal International 204, 1721-1728.
62. Wadsworth F.B., Vasseur J., Scheu B., Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., 2016. Universal scaling of fluid permeability during isotropic volcanic welding and sediment diagenesis. Geology 44, 219-222.
63. Schauroth J., Wadsworth F.B., Kennedy B.M., von Aulock F.W., Lavallée Y., Damby D.E., Vasseur J., Scheu B., Dingwell D.B., 2016. Conduit margin heating and deformation during the AD 1886 basaltic Plinian eruption at Tarawera volcano, New Zealand. Bulletin of Volcanology 78:12.
64. Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., Varley N.R., Wadsworth F.B., Lamb O.D., Vasseur J., 2016. Blowing off steam: Tuffisite formation as a regulator for lava dome eruptions. Frontiers in Earth Science 4:41.
65. Farquharson J.I., Heap M.J., Lavallée Y., Varley N.R., Baud P., 2016. Evidence for the development of permeability anisotropy in lava dome and volcanic conduits. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 323, 163-185.
66. De Angelis S., Lamb O.D., Rietbrock A., Lamur A., Hornby A.J., von Aulock F.W., Lavallée Y., 2016. Characterization of ash-and-gas explosions at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, from infrasound waveform inversion and thermal infrared measurements. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 6220-6227.
67. Dingwell D.B., Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., Flaws A., Marti J., Nichols A.R.L., Gilg H.A., Schillinger B., 2016. Eruptive shearing in tube pumice: pure and simple. Solid Earth 7, 1383-1393.
68. Eggertsson G.H., Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., Markússon S., 2016. Permeability of intact and fractured rocks in Krafla geothermal reservoir, Iceland. Proc. European Geothermal Congress 2016.
69. Heap M.J., Cole J., Jolly A.D., Farquharson J., Ashworth J., Mayer K., Letham-Brake M., Reuschlé T., Gilg H.A., Scheu B., Lavallée Y., Siratovich P., Dingwell D.B., Kennedy B.M., 2017. A multidisciplinary approach to quantify the permeability of a volcanic hydrothermal system (Whakaari/White Island, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 332, 88-108.
70. Wittmann W., Sigmundsson F., Dumont S., Lavallée Y., 2017. Post-emplacement cooling and contraction of lava flows: InSAR observations and a thermal model for lava fields at Hekla volcano, Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth. 122 (2). 946 - 965
71. Lamb O.D., De Angelis S., Wall R., Varley N.R., Reyes-Dávila G., Arámbula-Mendoza R., Hornby A.J., Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., 2017. Seismic and experimental insights into eruption precursors at Volcán de Colima. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 6092-6100.
72. von Aulock F.W., Kennedy B.M., Marimeko A., Wadsworth F.B., Lavallée Y., 2017. Outgassing From Open And Closed Magma Foams. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 5:46.
73. Lamur A., Kendrick J.E., Eggertsson G.H., Wall R.J., Ashworth J.D., Lavallée Y., 2017. The permeability of fractured rocks in pressurised volcanic and geothermal systems. Nature Scientific Reports 7, 6173.
74. Vasseur J., Wadsworth F.B., Heap M.J., Main I.G., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., 2017. Does an inter-flaw length control the accuracy of rupture forecasting in geological materials? Earth and Planetary Science Letters 475, 181-189.
75. Song W., Lavallée Y., Wadsworth F.B., Hess K.-U., Dingwell D.B., 2017. Wetting and Spreading of Molten Volcanic Ash in Jet Engines. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8, 1878-1884.
76. Wadsworth F.B., Vasseur J., Llewellin E.W., Dobson K.J., Colombier M., von Aulock F.W., Fife J., Wiesmaier S., Hess K.-U., Scheu B., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., 2017. Topological inversions in coalescing porous media control fluid flow regimes. Physical Review E 96, 033113.
77. Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., Mariani E., Dingwell D.B., Wheeler J., Varley N.R., 2017. Crystal plasticity as an indicator of the viscous-brittle transition in magmas. Nature Communications 8: 1926.
78. Polacci M., de’ Michieli Vitturi M., Arzilli F., Burton M. R., Caricchi L., Carr B., Cerminara M., Cimarelli C., Clarke A.B., Colucci S., Costa a., Degruyter W., Druitt T., Engwell S., Esposti Ongaro T., Giordano D., Gurioli L., Haddadi B., Kendrick J.E., Kueppers U., Lamur A., Lavallée Y., Llewellin E., Mader H.M., Metrich N., Montagna C., Neri A., Rivalta E., Saccorotti G., Sigmundsson F., Spina L., Taddeucci J., 2017. From magma ascent to ash generation: investigating volcanic conduit processes by integrating experiments, numerical modeling, and observations. Annals of Geophysics 60.
79. Lamur A., Lavallée Y., Iddon F., Hornby A.J., Kendrick J.E., von Aulock F.W., Wadsworth F.B., 2018. Disclosing the temperature of columnar jointing and fluid flow in lavas. Nature Communications 9:1432.
80. Rhodes E., Kennedy B.M., Hornby A.J., Edwards M., Chigna G., 2018. Textural insights into the evolving lava dome cycles at Santiaguito lava dome Guatemala. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 6, 30.
81. Heap M.J., Farquharson J.I., Kushnir A.R.L., Lavallée Y., Baud P., 2018. The influence of water-saturation on the strength of Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, the most widely-used building stone in Naples (Italy). Bulletin of Volcanology 6, 51.
82. Coats R., Kendrick J.E., Wallace P.A., Miwa T., Hornby A.J. Matsushima T., Lavallée Y., 2018. Failure criteria for porous dome rocks and lavas: a study of Mt. Unzen, Japan. Solid Earth Discussion, 1-42.
83. Eggertsson G.H., Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., Markússon S., 2018. Improving fluid flow in geothermal reservoirs by thermal and mechanical stimulation: The case of Krafla volcano, Iceland. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 391, 106351.
84. Niezabitowska E., Smith J., Prestly M.R., Akhtar R., von Aulock F.W., Lavallée Y., Ali-Boucetta H., McDonald T.O., 2018. Facile Production of Nanocomposites of Carbon Nanotubes and Polycaprolactone with High Aspect Ratios with Potential Applications in Drug Delivery. RSC Advances 8, 16444-16454.
85. Hornby A.J., Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., Rollinson G., Butcher A., Kueppers U., Cimarelli C., Clesham S., Chigna G., 2018. Volcanic ash generation mechanisms: Fingerprints in phase distribution highlighted by QEMSCAN particle mineralogical analysis. EarthArXiv, 3 May 2018.
86. Eichelberger J., Ingolfsson H.P., Carrigan C., Lavallée Y., Tester J.W., Markusson S.H., 2018. Understanding and Using the Magma-Hydrothermal Connection. GRC Transactions 42.
87. Hólmgeirsson S., Ingólfsson H.P., Eichelberger J., Pye S., Normann R., Kaldal G.S., Blankenship D., Mortensen A., Markússon S., Paulsson B., Karlsdóttir S.N., Wallevik S.O., Garðarsson S.M., Tester J., Lavallée Y., 2018. Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT): Engineering challenges of drilling into magma and extracting its energy. GRC Transactions 42.
88. Esse B., Burton M., Varnam M., Kazahaya R., Wallace P.A., von Aulock F.W., Lavallée Y., Salerno G., Scollo S., Coe H., 2018. Quantification of ash sedimentation dynamics through depolarisation imaging with AshCam. Nature Scientific Reports 8, 15680.
89. Coats R., Kendrick J.E., Wallace P.A., Miwa T., Hornby A.J. Matsushima T., Lavallée Y., 2018. Failure criteria for porous dome rocks and lavas: a study of Mt. Unzen, Japan. Solid Earth, 1-42.
90. Lamb O.D., Moreno A.D., De Angelis S., Rietbrock A., Kendrick J.E., von Aulock F.W., Chigna G., Lavallée Y., 2018. Explosive disruption of long-term eruptive activity at Santiaguito, Guatemala. Earth ArXiv.
91. Heap M.J., Coats R., Chen C., Varley N.R., Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., Xu T., Reuschlé T., 2018. Thermal resilience of microcracked andesitic dome rocks. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 367, 20-30.
92. Lavallée Y., Heap M.J., Kueppers U., Kendrick J.E., Dingwell D.B., 2019. The fragility of Volcán de Colima – a material constraint. In Volcán de Colima – Managing the Threat. eds: Varley N.R., Komorowski J.-C., Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-25911-1
93. Hornby A.J., Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., Rollinson G., Butcher A., Kueppers U., Cimarelli C., Clesham S., Chigna G., 2019. Phase partitioning during fragmentation revealed by QEMSCAN particle mineralogical analysis of volcanic ash. Nature Scientific Reports 9: 126.
94. Lamb O.D., Moreno A.D., De Angelis S., Rietbrock A., Kendrick J.E., von Aulock F.W., Chigna G., Lavallée Y., 2019. Disruption of the long-term effusive-explosive eruptive activity at Santiaguito, Guatemala. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 6:253.
95. Lamur A., Kendrick J.E., Wadsworth F.B., Lavallée Y., 2019. Fracture healing and strength recovery in magmatic liquids. Geology 47, 195-198.
96. Harnett, C.E., Kendrick J.E., Lamur A.H., Thomas M., Stinton A., Wallace P.A., Utley J.E.P., Murphy W., Neuberg J., Lavallée Y., 2019. Evolution of mechanical properties of lava dome rocks across the 1995-2010 eruption of Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat. Frontiers in Earth Science 7:7.
97. *Wallace P.A., Kendrick J.E., Ashworth J.D., Miwa T., Coats R., De Angelis S.H., Mariani E.M., Utley J.E.P., Biggin A., Kendrick R., Nakada S., Matsushima T., Lavallée Y., 2019. Petrological architecture of a magmatic shear zone: A multidisciplinary investigation of strain localisation during magma ascent at Unzen Volcano, Japan. Journal of Petrology 60, 791-826.
98. Song W., Fukumoto M., Lavallée Y., Lokachari S., Guo H., You Y., Dingwell D.B., 2019. Impact interaction of in-flight high-energy molten volcanic ash droplets with jet engines. Acta Materialia 171, 119-131.
99. Wallace P.W., De Angelis S.H., Kendrick J.E., Hornby A., Clesham S., von Aulock F.W., Hirose T., Dingwell D.B., Lavallée Y., 2019. Frictional melt homogenisation during fault slip: Geochemical, textural and rheological fingerprints. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 255, 265-288.
100. Bain A.A., Lamur A., Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., Calder E.S., Cortes J.A., Cortes G.P., 2019. Constraints on the porosity, permeability and porous micro-structure of highly-crystalline andesitic magma during plug formation. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 379, 72-89.
101. Hornby A.J. Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., De Angelis S., Lamur A., Lamb O., Rietbrock A., Chigna G., 2019. Brittle‐Ductile Deformation and Tensile Rupture of Dome Lava During Inflation at Santiaguito, Guatemala. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 124, 10107-10131.
102. Mordensky S.P., Kennedy B. M., Villeneuve M. C., Lavallée Y., Reichow M. K., Wallace P. A. Siratovich P. A., Gravley D. M., 2019. Increasing the permeability of hydrothermally altered andesite by transitory thermal stressing. G-cube 20, 5251-5269.
103. Lavallée Y., Lamur A., Kendrick J.E., Eggertsson G.H., Weaver J., Eichelberger J.C., Papale P., Sigmundsson F., Dingwell D.B., Markússon S.H., Mortensen A.K., Fiedleifsson G.O., Carrigan C., Ludden J., Ingolfsson H.P., and KMT Consortium. Thermal Manipulation of Magma Boundaries: Advancing Controls on Fluid Flow via the Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT). Proceedings of 2020 World Geothermal Congress.
104. Beynon S.J., Faulkner D.R., McNamara D.D., Lavallée Y., An Experimental Approach to Assist in Quantifying Fracture Sealing Mechanisms in Geothermal Systems. Proceedings of 2020 World Geothermal Congress.
105. Beynon S.J., Faulkner D.R., McNamara D.D., Lavallée Y., Fluid Flow in an Exhumed Geothermal System: Hydrothermal Vein Morphology and Composition within the Atacama Fault Zone, Chile. Proceedings of 2020 World Geothermal Congress.
106. Eichelberger J.C., Carrigan C., Ingolfsson H.P., Lavallée Y., Ludden J., Markússon S.H., Mortensen A.K., Papale P., Sigmundsson F., Saubin E., Tester J., and KMT Consortium. Magma-Sourced Geothermal Energy and Plans for Krafla Magma Testbed, Iceland. Proceedings of 2020 World Geothermal Congress.
107. Papale P., Eichelberger J.C., Ingolfsson H.P., Lavallée Y., Ludden J., Markússon S.H., Sigmundsson F., and KMT Consortium. Bringing together volcano science and geothermal industry: the KMT – Krafla Magma Testbed breaking-through perspective. Proceedings of 2020 World Geothermal Congress.
108. Ilic O., Sigmundsson F., Lavallée Y., Mortensen A.K., Eichelberger J.C., Markússon S.H., Papale P., Thordarson T., Geological Risk Associated with Drilling Into Magma at Krafla Caldera, Iceland. Proceedings of 2020 World Geothermal Congress.
109. Wallace P.W., Lamb O.D., De Angelis S., Hornby A.J., von Aulock F.W., Kendrick J.E., Lamur A.H., Diaz-Moreno A., Rietbrock A., Lavallée Y., 2020. Integrated constraints on explosive eruption intensification at Santiaguito dome complex, Guatemala. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 536: 1161139.
110. Weaver J., Eggertsson G.H., Utley J.E.P., Wallace P.A., Lamur A., Kendrick J.E., Tuffen H., Markússon S.H., Lavallée Y., 2020. Thermal liability of hyaloclastite in the Krafla geothermal reservoir, Iceland: The impact of phyllosilicates on permeability and rock strength, Geofluids special volume: "Structural controls on basin- and crustal-scale fluid flow and resulting mineral reactions”.
111. Lokachari S., Song W., Fukumoto M., Lavallée Y., Guo G., You W., Dingwell D.B., 2020. Novel thermal barrier coatings with hexagonal boron nitride additives resistant to molten volcanic ash wetting. Corrosion Science 168:108587.
112. (INVITED) Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., 2021. A review of the physical and mechanical properties of volcanic rocks and magmas in the brittle and ductile field. In: Forecasting and Planning for Volcanic Hazards, Risks, and Disasters. Vol. 2 in Hazards and Disasters (Ed. Papale P.). Elsevier. 153-238.
113. Yang S., Song W., Lavallée Y., Zhou X., Dingwell D.B., Guo H., 2020. Dynamic spreading of re-melted volcanic ash bead on thermal barrier coatings. Corrosion Science 170:108659.
114. Carter W., Rietbrock A., Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., Gottschämmer E., Díaz Moreno A., Lamb O.D., Wallace P.A., Chigna G. and De Angelis S., 2020. Statistical evidence of transitioning open-vent activity towards a paroxysmal period at Volcán Santiaguito (Guatemala) during 2014-2018. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 398:106891.
115. Schaefer L.N., Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., Kennedy B.M., Miwa T., 2020. Laboratory measurements of damage evolution in dynamic volcanic environments: from slow to rapid strain events. Proceedings of the American Rock Mechanic Association 20-1876.
116. Eggertsson, G.H. Kendrick, J.E., Weaver, J., Wallace, P.A., Utley, J.E.P. Bedford, J.D., Allen, M.J. Markússon, S.H., Worden, R.H., Faulkner D.R., Lavallée, Y., 2020. Compaction of hyaloclastite from the active geothermal system at Krafla volcano, Iceland, Geofluids special volume: "Structural controls on basin- and crustal-scale fluid flow and resulting mineral reactions”, 3878503.
117. Dobson K., Allabar A., Bretagne E., Cousmans J., Cassidy M., Cimarelli C., Coats R., Connolley T., Courtois L., Dingwell D.B., Di Genova D., Fernando B., Fife J.L., Fyfe F., Gehne S., Jones T., Kendrick J.E., Kinvigk H., Kolzengurg S., Lavallée Y., Liu E., Llewellin E., Madden-Nadeau A., Madi K., Marone F., Morgan C., Oppenheimer J., Ploszajski A., Reid G., Schauroth J., Schlepütz C.M., Sellick C., Vasseur J., von Aulock F.W., Wadsworth F.B., Wiesmaier S., Wanelik K., 2020. Quantifying microstructural evolution in moving magma. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 8:287.
118. Hughes A., Kendrick J.E., Salas G., Wallace P., Legros F., Di Toro G., Lavallée Y., 2020. Shear localisation, strain partitioning and frictional melting in a debris avalanche generated by volcanic flank-collapse. Journal of Structural Geology 140:104132.
119. Hughes A., Kendrick J.E., Lamur A., Wadsworth F.B., Wallace P.A., Di Toro Gi., Lavallée Y., 2020. Frictional behaviour, wear and comminution of synthetic porous geomaterials. Frontiers in Earth Science: Earth and Planetary Materials 8:488.
120. Wadsworth, F.B., Vasseur, J., Llewellin, E.W., , Brown, R.J., Tuffen, H., Gardner, J.E., Kendrick, J.E., Lavallée, Y., Dobson, K.J., Heap, M.J., Dingwell, D.B., Hess, K-U., Schauroth, J., von Aulock, F.W., Kushnir, A.R.L. and Marone, F., 2021. A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 409:107118.
121. Kendrick J.E., Schaefer L.N., Schauroth J., Bell A.F., Lamb O.D., Lamur A., Miwa T., Coats R., Lavallée Y., Kennedy B.M., 2020. Physical and mechanical rock properties of a heterogeneous volcano; the case of Mount Unzen, Japan. Solid Earth Discussion.
122. Bain, A.A., Kendrick, J.E., Lamur, A., Lavallée, Y., Calder, E.S., Cortés, J.A., Cortés, G.P., Martinez, D.G. and Torres, R.A., 2021. Micro-textural controls on magma rheology and Vulcanian explosion cyclicity, Frontiers in Earth Science 8:703.
123. Gottschämmer E., Rohnacher A., Carter W., Nüsse A., Drach K., De Angelis S., Lavallée Y. Kendrick J.E., Roca A., Castellanos P., Chigna G., Rietbrock A., 2021. Volcanic emission and seismic tremor at Santiaguito, Guatemala: New insights from long-term seismic, infrasound and thermal measurements. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 411:107154.
124. Rohnacher, A., Rietbrock, A., Gottschämmer, E., Carter, W., Lavallée, Y., De Angelis, S., Kendrick, J.E. and Chigna G., 2021. Source mechanism of seismic explosion signals at Santiaguito volcano: new insights from seismic analysis and numerical modelling. Frontiers in Earth Science 8:740.
125. Kendrick J.E., Schaefer L.N., Schauroth J., Bell A.F., Lamb O.D., Lamur A., Miwa T., Coats R., Lavallée Y., Kennedy B.M., 2021. Physical and mechanical rock properties of a heterogeneous volcano; the case of Mount Unzen, Japan. Solid Earth 12, 633-664.
126. Yilmaz T.I., Wadsworth F.B., Gilg H.A., Hess K.-U., Kendrick J.E., Wallace P.A., Lavallée Y., Utley J., Vasseur J. Nakada S., Dingwell D.B., Rapid alteration of fractured volcanic conduits beneath Mt Unzen. Bulletin of Volcanology 83:34.
127. (INVITED) Lavallée Y., Kendrick J.E., 2022. Strain Localisation in Magmas. In: Magmas, Melts, Liquids and Glasses: Experimental Insights. (Eds: Neuville D.R., Henderson G.S., Dingwell D.B.). Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry.
128. (INVITED) Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., 2022. Frictional melting in magma and lava. In: Magmas, Melts, Liquids and Glasses: Experimental Insights. (Eds: Neuville D.R., Henderson G.S., Dingwell D.B.). Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry.
129. Lavallée Y., Miwa T., Ashworth J.D., Wallace P.A., Kendrick J.E., Coats R., Lamur A., Hornby A., Hess K.-U., Matsushima T., Nakada S., Shimizu H., Ruthensteiner B., Tuffen H., 2021. Transient conduit permeability controlled by a shift between compactant shear and dilatant rupture at Unzen volcano (Japan). Solid Earth Discussions 127. doi.10.5194/se-2021-127
130. Seropian G., Kennedy B.M., Kendrick J.E., Lavallée Y., Nichols A.R.L., von Aulock F.W., Dingwell D.B., Hess K.-U., Lamur A. Schauroth J., Vasseur J., Wadsworth F.B., Vesiculation of Rhyolitic Melts Under Oscillatory Pressure. Frontiers in Earth Science, doi.10.3389/feart.2022.812311
131. Lavallée Y., Miwa T., Ashworth J.D., Wallace P.A., Kendrick J.E., Coats R., Lamur A., Hornby A., Hess K.-U., Matsushima T., Nakada S., Shimizu H., Ruthensteiner B., Tuffen H., 2022. Transient conduit permeability controlled by a shift between compactant shear and dilatant rupture at Unzen volcano (Japan). Solid Earth 127. doi.10.5194/se-2021-127
132. Weaver J., Lavallée Y., Ashraf M., Kendrick J. E., Lamur A., Schauroth J., Wadsworth F. B., 2022. Vesiculation and densification of pyroclasts: A clast-size dependent competition between bubble growth and diffusive outgassing. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research:107550.
1. University of Liverpool, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2020): Santiaguito Volcano 2014-2018 explosion catalogue. British Geological Survey. (Dataset).
2. University of Liverpool, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2019): A multiparameter geophysical experiment at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, following a marked increase in explosive activity. British Geological Survey. (Dataset).