Chair for Mineralogy, Petrology & Geochemistry

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Outreach and Media

Public Outreach (selected)

  • “New frontiers in volcanology and energy resources: The advent of large-scale magma experiments” at the Herdman symposium, Liverpool, UK (2019)
  • Panel discussion on Materiality at Matter of Stuff art gallery, London, UK (2018)
  • Royal Society Science Summer Exhibition. Exhibition on “Visible Science: bringing science to life via 4D synchrotron x-ray tomography” in London and Manchester (2016)
  • Content editor for VolcanoWorld (2002 - 2004)
  • Introduction to as Earth and life history for elementary and high school students (2000 - 2002)

Invited lectures (selected)

  • >50 invited lectures were given at international and national meetings/ workshops and in departmental seminars, including:
  • Annual Meeting of American Geophysical Union (AGU). Session: “The new generation of scientists” (
  • Annual general meeting of the Academia Europaea (AE), ALL European Academies (ALLEA), Young Academy of Europe (YAE), Hungary. Session “Economy, Resources and Energy” (2017)
  • Euro-Science Open Forum (ESOF) Meeting in Manchester, UK; ERC-organised session: “Deep Earth dynamics: What is happening beneath our feet” (2016)
  • Young Academy of Europe, University of Oxford, UK (2016)

Media Coverage and Contributions (selected)

  • Krafla Magma Testbed. AGU TV – WebsEdge Science (2021)
  • Forget oil or water. In Iceland, well diggers seek to tap a volcano’s magma. Science, AAAS (2021)
  • The Giant’s Causeway episode for Impossible Planet, Blizzard Road Production (2019)
  • Volcanic ash particles under the microscope on European Commission News ( based on: Hornby et al. “Phase partitioning during fragmentation revealed by QEMSCAN particle mineralogical analysis of volcanic ash.” Nature Scientific Reports 2019 (2019)
  • Hot, warm or cold?: New insight into how Giant’s Causeway; University of Liverpool Press Release ( based on: Lamur et al., Nature Communications 2018 (2019)
  • Volcano Power Could Be ‘Most Exciting Thing Since the Moon Landing,’ Says Researcher. Just don’t call it geothermal energy. Greentech Media (2017)
  • Could British homes be powered by Icelandic volcano? The Guardian (2017)
  • Geosciences Spotlight of the European Research Council (2012)
  • “Hot tuff not so tough” Research highlights of “How tough is tuff in the event of fire” in Nature 484, 144. doi:10.1038/484144a. (2012)


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