Chair for Mineralogy, Petrology & Geochemistry

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Curriculum Vitae


Bachelor of Science - Earth and Planetary Sciences (B.Sc. Honours: 2001), McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Dissertation: “Analogue Modeling of Caldera Subsidence in Areas of Varying Topographic Relief”; Supervisor: Prof. J. Stix

Master of Science - Space Studies (M.Sc.: 2003), University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA. Dissertation: “Constraining Funnel Caldera processes at Volcán Huaynaputina, southern Peru”; Supervisor. Prof. S.L. de Silva

Doctor Rerum Naturalium - Volcanology (Dr. Rer. Nat. 2008), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. Dissertation: “Understanding Dome-Building Eruptions: a Rheological and Acoustic Study”. Supervisors: Prof. D.B. Dingwell, Prof. J. Kruhl


From March 2022 Chair of Igneous Petrology and Volcanology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

Aug 2019 - Dec 2021 Leverhulme Research Fellow, University of Liverpool, UK

Jan 2013 to Jan 2022 Member of the Institute for Risk and Uncertainty, University of Liverpool, UK

Oct 2012 to Jan 2022 Chair of Volcanology and Magmatic Processes University of Liverpool, UK

Jan 2012 Guest Professor of Volcanology, University of Strasbourg, France

April 2008 - Aug 2012 Assistant Professor in Volcanology (Akad. Rat), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

Sept 2004 – March 2008 Research Assistant, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

June 2004 - Aug 2004 Research Assistant, McGill University, Montreal Canada

Jan 2001 - May 2004 Research Assistant, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA

June 2000 - Aug 2000 Geologist, Geological Survey of Canada

Oct 1999 - June 2000 Research Assistant, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

June 1999 - Aug 2000 Research Assistant, Université de Montréal, Canada

June 1998 - Sept 1998 Geo-environmentalist ALSTOM Canada, Montreal, Canada


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