Chair for Mineralogy, Petrology & Geochemistry

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Peer Reviewed Academic Papers

Smith, R., Kilburn, C.R.J., Forecasting eruptions after long repose intervals from rates of rock fracture: The June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippine, JVGR 191 p129-136

Smith, R., Sammonds, P.R., Kilburn, C.R.J., (2009) Fracturing of volcanic systems: experimental insights into pre-eruptive conditions, EPSL 280 p211-219

Tuffen, H., Smith, R., Sammonds, P.R., (2008) Evidence for seismogenic fracture of silicic magma, Nature 453 p511-514

Smith, R., Kilburn, C.R.J, Sammonds, P.R., (2007) Rock Fracture as a Precursor to Lava Dome Eruptions at Mount St Helens from June 1980 to October 1986, Bull. Volc. 69(6) p681-693

Peer Reviewed Non-Academic Papers

POSTnote 239: Early Warning Systems for Natural Disasters, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, May 2005, (briefing paper prepared by R. Smith)

Invited talks and seminars

  • Oct 2009
    Departmental seminar at Edinburgh University
  • July 2007
    Seminar at the Cascades Volcano Observatory
  • May 2007
    Invited talk in volcano-tectonic session at General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union
  • Feb 2006 and Feb 2007
    Guest lectures at Department of earth and environmental sciences, Kingston University
  • Dec 2005
    Invited talk in magma flow and fracture session at Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union