Chair for Mineralogy, Petrology & Geochemistry

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  • Richard, D., Scheu, B., Mueller, S.P., Spieler, O., Dingwell, D.B. (2013), Outgassing: Influence on speed of magma fragmentation, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 118, 862-877, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50080.
  • Lavallée, Y., Varley, N. R., Alatorre-Ibargueengoitia, M. A., Hess, K. U., Kueppers, U., Mueller, S., Richard, D., Scheu, B., Spieler, O., Dingwell, D. B. (2012), Magmatic architecture of dome-building eruptions at Volcan de Colima, Mexico, Bulletin of Volcanology, 74(1), 249-260.
  • Mueller, S., Scheu, B., Kueppers, U., Spieler, O., Richard, D., Dingwell, D.B., (2011), The porosity of pyroclasts as indicator of volcanic explosivity, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 203(3-4), 168-174.
  • Scott, C.R., Richard, D., Fowler, A.D., An Archean submarine pyroclastic flow due to submarine dome collapse: The Hurd Deposit, Harker Township, Ontario, AGU Monograph, 2003, 11 pages.



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